Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We must suffer

We must suffer.

I really thank GOD for using John Piper in my life the way he has recently, I needed to hear this to give me the reality check that it's not about the "American Dream" Christ said us Christians would suffer for His Name sake, every man Living a Godly life will suffer ( 2 Tim 3:12 ). With Great tribulation we inherit the Kingdom of GOD (Acts 14:22 ). It is not about a better life now here on earth, while we're hear we are to embrace The Cross (Which means we also embrace Jesus' pain, and become someone who fellowships in His Sufferings), our better life is not here or for now here on earth, it's for after; that's why Paul says he looks forward to the Glory to be revealed in us, not the "Present" but he looks "forward" to the "Future" and says the suffering we go through in the "Present" is not compared to that future Glory. Now a days we have all these pastors and Evangelist going around saying, GET YOUR BETTER LIFE NOW!!! OR A BETTER LIFE TODAY!!! But Jesus never promised us a better life here on earth, he promised us eternal life, which is a better life when we leave the earth, in which Paul states is what we are to be looking forward too, not counting these afflictions that we go through now to even be compared to the Glory that will be revealed in us. Christ also told us whosoever tries to keep his life will loose it, but whoever for "His" name sake, and "The Gospel" sake looses his life will save it (Mark 8:35).

Anyone that is going around saying as a Christian you're not supposed to suffer, or go through tribulations, and trials, weather physical, financial, and your supposed to be wealthy, with the newest clothes, cars, gidgets gadgets homes, never sick etc... is NOT teaching u biblical teaching, yes financial and health strife can be avoided if we use wisdom in certain instances, (Spending correctly, and taking care of your body) and I'm not saying that you WILL go through financial trouble, (Or that GOD wants you to be broke, busted and homeless). What I am saying is GOD Promised us that he would provide (Phil 4:19),(Matt 6:25-34), he never promised us that we would be physically wealthy and rich here on this earth or that we would have any material or earthly possession or status we want, or dreamed of..I think that some American churches are still trying to feed there fleshly appetites of having all of the things they wanted, or were coveting or chasing in the world, except this time, we try to throw scripture on top of it and butter it up to make it look like: this is what GOD wants for my life, so therefore my "Conscience" would be eased as I chase and covet these things, because I Have scripture to back up, why GOD wants me to have a big home, or flashy cars, or a swiss bank account, plus, that's what my pastor says. But the TRUTH is, those scriptures are sadly being taken out of context and it is NOT The Gospel, nor what the scriptures are implying, That's why the scriptures say we are to study to show ourselves approved, being a workman rightly dividing The Word of Truth (2 tim 2:15) Also (1 John 4:1) says try the spirit by the Spirit, meaning we have to see/examine if what people are teaching, doing or saying lines up with the Word of God, if we depend on GOD to help us do this, he would give us the discernment to separate The Truth from the lies.

Christ said that we will "Suffer". There's no way around it, The scriptures say that "All" Not just some, not just missionary's, not just preachers, not just Evangelist but "All" who are perusing a Godly life, WILL suffer persecution (2 tim 3:12), but in the midst of that suffering Christ is "All satisfying" and that's who we find, our joy, peace, strength, satisfaction, pleasure, and EVERYTHING else in, Him alone. (Psa 73:25-26) ,(Col 1:24), (2 Cor 12:9). So am I saying as Christian were supposed to sit around in ashes and sackcloth all day, expecting every single thing in our life to go wrong because the scriptures say we will "Suffer"? No, what I'm saying is that we have to make sure that CHRIST is the source of our Joy, Satisfaction, Peace, Contentment, Strength, and our portion FOREVER. Like Asaph said, (Psalm 73:25-26). And that Christ is our foundation, so no matter what happens, or what amount of calamity we go through, we can say: GOD you are enough, you are all satisfying.
(1Pet 4:12-16: Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you:

rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that,
when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding

ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit
of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken
of, but on your part he is glorified.

15But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a busybody in other men's matters.

16Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.)

Lord please help me and my brothers and sisters in Christ LIVE this life u gave us by your Grace and Mercy for your Glory Alone!! It's the only reason you wake us up in the morning. And the only reason we are here, is to make u look Glorious, and bring Glory to your name.I hope this is an encouragement to my brothers and sisters in Christ, and also points Non-believers towards the Cross of Christ, whom is the Only one who can save us from sin and grant us everlasting life (John 14:6), (John 3:16).

Scriptures on us suffering For Christ' Name Sake, also dying to self:(Phil 1:29), (Rom 8:17),(2 Thes 2:12),(2 tim 2:12),(2 tim 3:12), (1 pet 3:14), (1 pet 4:13), (1 Pet 4:16) NOTE: 4:16 "Suffer" is in italics which means it's not in the original manuscript, but filled in by the interpreter based on context of the scripture others are in the original though,(1 pet 4:19), (Rev 2:10), (Phil 3:7-8),(Phil 1:20-31),(Phil 3:9-10), (2 cor 1:5),(Col 1:24),(Acts 5:40-41),(John 16:1), (2 thes 1:5),(Col 1:24).

(Below) Are two videos that GOD has really used in my life to make me self examine myself, and to give me a reality check on what the scripture really says, about the life of "A believer" . He also really impacted my life with John Piper's "Don't waste your life" sermon that you could find on youtube, (It's 6 parts I think?). Well I hope what God has led me to say, and these videos will be a blessing and encouragement to my brothers and sisters in The Faith, and also point unbelievers toward The Cross.

GOD bless. (Acts 20:24)

Grace and Peace.


John Piper - You Must Suffer from I'll Be Honest on Vimeo.

Joseph the Masai Warrior - John Piper from I'll Be Honest on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Wow..thanks for the reminder...when I think about all the trials and sufferings my family has been through and those in my hood see on a daily basis, I think about Job words to the LORD in chapter 42 where he says : Then Job replied to the LORD :
    "I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted.You asked, 'Who is this that obscures my counsel without knowledge? Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know."You said, 'Listen now, and I will speak;I will question you,and you shall answer me.'My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you...

    This as well is what our trials have come to produce, not only sanctification, but for me to have a CLEARER VISION of this SOVEREIGN LORD I SERVE!
    Amen brother :)

